May 18, 2019


Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) is an international development charity with a vision for a “world without poverty” and a mission to “bring people together to fight poverty”.

Following a lengthy tender process, Propack were successfully awarded the 12-month contract to produce and mail VSO’s new Kin Magazine.


  • Target 40,000 recipients with a mail pack which challenged conventional formats.
  • Achieve maximum postal discounts.
  • Satisfy the ‘Package Test’ criteria to allow the pack to be ‘zero-rated’ for VAT.


We produced a visually stunning mail pack, consisting of a 60pp magazine inserted into a bespoke outer envelope. As the outer was bespoke it allowed us to design a window which would enable us to achieve the maximum mailsort postal discounts for VSO.

It’s now approaching 5 years since the first edition of Kin Magazine and we’re very proud that we remain a trusted partner and continue to support VSO with this vital communication tool.

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