November 21, 2022


Parkinson’s UK required a mailing partner to produce their complex Multi-cell Variable Raffle Packs with sophisticated testing requirements. With a proven track record in the production of raffle packs, Propack were commissioned to partner with Parkinson’s UK.


In order to deliver maximum ROI, Parkinson’s UK make intelligent use of their historic data. By taking advantage of Propack’s technically advanced offering, Parkinson’s are able to allocate the optimum number of raffle tickets to each supporter and encourage upselling.

Propack were commissioned to deliver a solution that allowed for a variable number of tickets to be digitally printed and bound in single ticket books.

To further enhance the personalisation, the letters include bespoke, kiss cut, integrated personalised labels.


  • As the variability is included in the print and binding of the ticket books we can ensure maximum postage discounts by producing as single cells.
  • The mail packs are fully verified and we issue a track back file detailing the allocated ticket numbers for each recipient.
  • In addition to the main campaign requirements, we hold stock of ticket overs and despatch to individuals who request additional tickets.


At Propack, our primary focus is decarbonisation and reducing our impact on the environment.

Working with our partners, we have created an environment where all companies are aligned in their direct mail marketing goals to have a sustainable and responsible supply chain.

Get in touch to discover how we can support you.

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