April 18, 2019
First Locate is one of the UK’s leading outsourced suppliers for debt resolution. Managing debt for multiple sectors, including government, telecoms and energy providers, they send out thousands of mail packs each day on behalf of their customers, and intelligent marketing solutions are integral to their approach.
Our client had a small back-office post room solution where they would print and fulfil debt collection mail packs in-house. They were restricted to how many packs they could produce each day due to staffing, timescales and the complexity of some of the work. Due to the lack of mail sortation intelligence, First Locate were paying a premium price for a basic postage service that was not meeting theirs, and their clients’, needs.
When a large government contract materialised, more pressure was added onto our client. An increase in demand for volumes, along with tight SLAs, lead them to source a supplier who could print and mail thousands of letters on their behalf, creating cost savings and efficiencies across the board.
Due to the sensitivity of the clients’ data, First Locate were apprehensive to release such data, so asked for advice on how a successful and secure solution could be achieved, without compromising their commitment to intelligent marketing solutions.
First Locate needed a reliable, secure and committed supplier to manage their ever-increasing volumes of sensitive financial data. We worked together to develop a secure solution which involved the client supplying Propack with pre-merged PDFs. We were able to develop an automated method to mail-sort the files and apply Mailmark and production barcodes.
As well as this, we introduced the client to our Ethical Mail DSA offering, which lead to thousands of pounds of savings on postage costs.
Delivering intelligent market solutions like these meant that our client could make immense cost savings on postage, as well as being able to redistribute their back-office staff into other areas of their business. The company’s saving has been considerable.
We continue to support First Locate with various custom mailing solutions, allowing them to deliver their own seamless customer-centric solutions which meet requirements of varying degrees of complexity.